Tuesday, July 9, 2013

Grief group

Seriously, is there anything more stressful than running late to a grief group? That was my evening.

I'm not sure how I feel about it yet - attending a grief group for infant loss, that is - or whether it's something I'll get anything out of. It's a place for sharing, but not something I can share, here anyways, because the stories there are not mine to give.

But as much as grieftalk likes to emphasize that everyone's experience is difference, we mourn at our own rate, etc., etc... I am beginning to believe that when it comes to grieving parents, we share a lot of common threads. As varying as our experiences, reactions, timeframes, coping mechanisms, et al. are, we recognize something in each other, a kinship that is startlingly appealing.

There's something about being around other grieving parents that makes me feel more real. It's grounding. An interruption from the surrealism of the new normal.

I can't decide if that's healthy or not.

Yesterday, Lou forwarded me an email from his cousin. She'd sent us a picture of the plant grown from bean seeds we gave out at Harper's memorial service. A genuine Harper bean!! I love this.

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