Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Seven days, six appointments

Getting ready to head to Georgetown for appointment number 2 of 6 in one week's time. The good news is that I really, really liked the OB I'm switching to at Georgetown. I think one of the nice things about dealing with a practice that handles lots of high risk cases is that they are more laid back. Which was a nice change from the anxiety inducing appointments with my previous OB. (Don't get me wrong - I love my normal OB, she's smart, and kind, and always ready with a hug when I need it. But she's very stressed about my pregnancy, which made me very stressed about my pregnancy!)

He's all for my plan of letting the baby stay in utero for as long as possible, as long as everything looks good in terms of growth progress, BPP, etc. He actually also thinks I'd be OK going into natural labor and trying a VBAC (not sure how I feel about that yet....)

So I decided to take his advice and also see the MFM team at Georgetown. The downside of that is they want to repeat all of the testing. Which means that in addition to the weekly OB appointments, I've got an MFM consult, U/S for growth and anatomy, NST, and BPP all scheduled over the course of a week.

Did I mentioned I really don't live anywhere near Georgetown?

This is in addition to our regularly scheduled appointment with the fetal cardiologist and tour at Children's Hospital.

My life is starting to feel like an endless series of medical appointments... But I guess it could be worse - I could be on bedrest or monitored full time in the hospital.

And I'm very curious to see whether the measurements with the new MFM are any different than with the previous. My fundal height is at 34 cm at 35 w+4 d, which isn't nearly as far behind as the measurements have been showing. Maybe some good news for a change??

ADDENDUM: Make that 7, 7 appointments in 7 days!! Ha,ha,ha,ha... (as the Count on Sesame Street would say). We've added a NICU consult to the list.

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