Tuesday, May 28, 2013

I think that I shall never see...

Dear Harper bean,

Guess what, baby girl? Our friends and loved ones have bought you a tree!

Our friend, Miss Kathy, organized a memorial tree for you at Montgomery Hospice's Casey House. It's a magnolia tree and will have a stone with you name on it placed at the base. The long, long list of our friends who contributed is truly awe inspiring.

Your daddy and I are so moved and thankful for this gift; it was exactly what we wanted, a place to go to remember you by. And the heady, warm scent of magnolia flowers are exactly the sort of experience I'd hoped to share with you in this world. This isn't quite the same, but it is a lovely place to sit and think of you and cry and imagine holding your hand underneath its shade and watch Shea laughing in the sunshine.

Like you, this tree is beautiful.

Oh, Harper, you have touched so many lives - not only people we know, but all the people who need hospice, who face the kind of heart tearing loss we had with you. You are a wonder, little bean, and you never even knew.

Rest in peace, little one.

Love, Mommy

1 comment:

  1. I've been leaving this blog to Carrie as her outlet, but I have to comment here. The tree and plaque is probably the nicest thing anyone outside our family has ever done for us. We've been having much heartache over having a permanent marker for Harper, and what to do with her ashes. And this is just perfect. Thanks to all of you who donated and to Kathy for organizing. It means the world to us.
