Monday, April 22, 2013

And how is little Harper?

Enough about us, how's the baby?

Harper is stable and doing OK in many ways. She's been off oxygen since the first night, breathes on her own just fine. She is also holding her own temperature pretty well.

She has begun taking in food - donor breast milk, mostly, since my milk has just come in - via NG tube and seems to be tolerating it well, so far. Still a long way from being able to get everything she needs via the NG tube or being able to take food orally, although we're hopeful that will happen. She has a strong suck, and the speech therapist will come Monday or Tuesday to evaluate her slight cleft palate to see if we can find a way to feed her. Man, would I love to be able to breastfeed her!

Her biggest issue, nutrition wise, is getting an IV into her. They've been unable to get in a PICC line and the poor baby is covered in bruises from their attempts and because they keep moving her PIV line. It's currently in her head, which looks awful, but I'm assured it is a more stable place to put an IV.

Hopefully, they'll be able to get in a PICC line and spare her all of that painful poking.

Other potential worrisome issues - they're supposed to have done an MRI of her brain last night. There was some concern of anatomical abnormalities. Nothing we can do but wait for the results.

Something that's bother Lou and I is that we've been unable to see Harper's eyes. She has ptosis - droopy, heavy eyelids - and I suspect they'll need surgery to correct. We almost feel like we haven't met her yet, because we haven't seen here eyes. The ophthalmologist is going to come some time this week to evaluate her actual vision. We still don't know if our little one will be able to see or hear. :(

Also hopeful we'll get our NIH consult with Dr. Porter this week.

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