Friday, April 5, 2013

Officially full term!!! 37 Weeks!!

Well, if nothing else, at least I don't have to worry about a premature delivery - 37 weeks today!!

Had a bit of a freaky appointment today - went in for a BPP and NST, no big deal. Baby was being very sleepy, which didn't worry me much, because bean had been kicking up a storm for most of the morning.

But then the woman on the bed next to me failed her BPP. Now, granted, she scored like a 2, whereas I had everything looking good except major movement. In my case, fluid was nice and high, cord looked good, baby was breathing, etc.

My neighbor, however, was told that because they weren't seeing what they wanted on the BPP, she was headed straight to labor and delivery to have her baby. Eep!

Now, theoretically, I know that could happen. That's why we do the tests, right? To ensure the baby isn't in distress and in need of immediate delivery. But to see it actually happen was a little disconcerting. All I could think of was "I'm so NOT ready!"

Fortunately, bean was kind enough to make some token movement - and is doing the cha cha even as I type this - and I escaped with my perfect BPP score and no baby. But it makes me think maybe I need to start packing my cell phone charger before heading to these appointments...

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